Hanukkah of Data 2022: Puzzle 8
Similar to the Advent of Code, the Hanukkah of Data (archive) was released in December 2022.
I don’t have time to do that during the holidays, so January 2023 it is for me.
1. Plan of attack
I’m looking for:
someone who likes to collect stuff
someone who owns an entire set of Noah’s collectibles
collections usually require people to buy more than 1 time the full set
someone with a male name
Looking at all products whose description starts with Noah’s
, I can see that
most of them start with COL
and some start with TOY
I assume COL
stands for collection
, and I’ll limit myself to those.
2. Implementation
This time, everything should be doable in SQL right away via DBeaver.
count(oi.sku) as sku
customers c
join orders o on
o.customerid = c.customerid
join orders_items oi on
oi.orderid = o.orderid
and oi.sku = p.sku
join products p on
p.sku = oi.sku
p.sku like 'COL%'
and p."desc" like 'Noah%'
group by
order by
sku desc;
3. Result
This finds all the people who ordered sku
as part of a collection, so it’s not
very specific.
However, the person having bought the most of those items did so 9 times more than the rest of customers. He has a male name.
It’s the right result.
Time to solve: 9 minutes.